Ulrike Maria Stuart
Teater Tribunalen & Teater Galeasen
Teater Galeasen and Teater Tribunalen, among the first to introduce Elfriede Jelinek’s drama in Sweden, collaborate this spring on this unique play.
S where are you damn Sigmund Freud
F where are you Georg Büchner you damn pig
P where are you Elfriede Jelinek
F where is your mother
X where are you William Shakespeare
A where are you Elisabeth
F where is your father
S where are you Andreas Baader
ALL where are you pigs
F Jacques son of a bitch Lacan where are you
A where are you Queen of Scots
F where are you Karl Heinrich Marx
P Friedrich Schiller where are you you pig
S where are you Gudrun Ensslin
X where are you Friedrich fucking Nietzsche
P where are you exploiting pigs, petty bourgeois pigs, fascist pigs, SS pigs, imperialist pigs, socialist pigs, social liberals
F pig pig pig pig
X where are you Franz Fanon
By: Elfriede Jelinek
Direction: Mellika Melouani Melani
Cast: Per Grytt, Saskia Husberg, Alfons Röblom, Frida Röhl
Light Angels: Gurra Ljungstedt, Stefan Björk
Translation: Magnus Lindman
Set Design: Bengt Gomér
Lighting: Carina Persson
Music: Dror Feiler
Costume: Ulrika van Gelder
Mask: Gunilla Pettersson
Theater Director Tribunalen: Frida Röhl
Theater Director Galeasen: Sophia Artin

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker