Stockholm City Theatre
Strindberg meets the present day in Mellika Melouani Melani’s *The Father*. *The Father* is Strindberg’s furious ideological drama from 1887 about a man as the victim of a woman’s cunning and manipulation.
In Mellika Melouani Melani’s production, the man faces a choir of single mothers, led by Kajsa Grytt. What happens when their reality confronts Strindberg’s ideas?
Direction: Mellika Melouani Melani
Text: August Strindberg
Set design: Lars Östbergh
Costume: Maria Geber
Music: Kajsa Grytt
Choreography: Örjan Andersson
Ensamble: Ville Virtanen, Helena af Sandeberg, Josephine Kylén Collins, Elisabet Carlsson, Samuel Fröler, Anita Wall, Bahador Foladi, Kajsa Grytt, Marie Fornbom, Åsa Böhme, Nazanin Rastegar, Shahida Sultana, Isabella Broman, Zufan Teklé, Connie don Marco, Masouma Rezai, Martina Lindstål, Ida Wiander, Liliana Díaz Chacón, Javiera Soriano, Emelie Hultgren

Photo: Petra Hallberg

Photo: Petra Hallberg