Carmina burana
Folkoperan is holding an audition for women in their 80s for this fall's major choral work, Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. The women will share the stage with the renowned opera singer Olle Persson, Folkoperan's choir and orchestra, guest choirs, and children.
-The older women play a central role in Carmina Burana. Their stories are woven into the piece, and their delicate life threads stand in contrast to Carl Orff's bombastic and powerful music, says Folkoperan's artistic director and director Mellika Melouani Melani.
Music: Carl Orff
Direction: Mellika Melouani Melani
Musical direction: Joakim Unander
Musical arrangement: Anders Högstedt
Dramaturgy: Magnus Lindman
Set design & lighting: Bengt Gomér
Costume: Karin Erskine
Mask & wig: Therésia Frisk
Choreography: Charlotta Öfverholm
Video: Anders Nilsson
Solists: Olle Persson, Miriam Ryen och William Baker. Birgitta Södergren, Britt Hansson, Kaarina Collin, Karin Carlvik, Britt Reuterwall Hörnstedt, Ingert Glasman, Ulla Ekander. Folkoperans orchestra, choir, guest choirs

Photo: Aorta (Retusch: Bildinstitutet)

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Mats Bäcker

Photo: Aorta (Retusch: Bildinstitutet)